Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
— Steve Jobs

Design examples


Capital challenge covid plan

2020 COVID-19 plan for the horse show

Footing First

The brochure I designed for Footing First was a great opportunity to take a very non-sexy thing - arena footing - and make it beautiful and engaging. It was about capturing the beauty of everything surrounding the footing. We used a gate-fold brochure to tell the bring the prospective client into the beautiful world of equestrian footing. 

Old Salem Farm Spring Horse Shows

In addition to the many print and digital advertising pieces I have designed for the Old Salem Spring shows, I created this brochure. This piece was for geared toward sponsorship, but it was exciting to build because of the phenomenal photographs that were sourced from the official show photographer, James Parker.

The Capital Challenge Horse Show

This is an example of the Daily Update newsletter I have been creating since the newsletter was born in 2001... that was prior to the existence of social media and before show photographers began using digital cameras.  The process of creating the daily newsletter was painfully tedious, requiring film to be processed and photos to be scanned. Back then I used PageMaker to build the file. Slowly, photos went digital and the program used to create the file went to Quark and then to InDesign.

The Capital Challenge Horse Show

This is just one of the official show programs I have designed and built since becoming a part of the Capital Challenge family.  The programs I have created go back to 1999.