Posts tagged farm life

There is something magical about a hay loft. I am not certain what world we enter upon reaching the top of the ladder, but I know that when I'm there everything else falls away.  It's a peaceful place that calls you to linger.  It sits above the busy action below. I imagine it would be the same if we could sit in clouds, above the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  I love being able to take the time to sit in the hayloft. Every season is so different. Today it is raining and the pinging of the raindrops fall on the metal roof making music which echoes in the indoor while the gurgling of the gutters drones on and on.

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Heavenly Changes

Every morning I look to the heavens, ink black and forever deep, like a bottomless sea. Only the stars and planets poke bright holes in the darkness creating the heavenly arch and giving the illusion that they wrap around the earth like a blanket.  My routine each day is the same.  I wake at the same hour and I follow the same path one half hour past waking.  My responsibility to my animals is unwavering, steadfast, and pleasant in its predictability.

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